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 History of Baktria

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

History of Baktria Empty
PostSubject: History of Baktria   History of Baktria EmptyWed May 04, 2011 7:18 am

History of the Baktria

When Phillipe Donocia brought his 150,000 army to Baktrainia the people he used to colonise the inhospitable land were, Donocian exiles, convicts and captured Ibissian noble men. They were already a melting pot of class, race and nationality even before they were in Baktrainia. Phillipe lead this melting pot here and there across Baktrainia searching for a grand city spot. Then he found it, the settlers put down there baggage and began building a great city. This great city is Baktria home to the proud and civilised Baktrainian's. After they had built and a town and with continuous settlers crossing the border Phillipe realised he cant rule this city till it had stabilised. So after complaints from nobles he set-up a senate for the whole of Baktrainia, and to show its importance in Baktrainia he built the senate house which can still stands proud to day in Baktria's town centre. This improved peoples lives greatly and after seeing how well a city had grown from just a few unwanted outcasts of the empire, he proclaimed this is biggest achievement even over the smashing of the raiders and the crushing of the empire's rival the Ibissian empire. This was not with out cost though because many of the great minds which Phillipe brought with him perished and they still dint have much information about Baktrainia.

When Phillipe died the senate decided to have a week of mourning in Baktria to their emperor and creator and some carried on this mourning into worship of him as if he was a god. Rumours also say that his body was buried, and his rich possessions, were also buried in a tomb in Baktrainia. After Phillipe was gone heavy investment went in Baktrainia partly in respect for Phillipe and partly they just uncovered a lot of gold and diamonds and marble, all fit for the high courts of the Donocian empire. During this the Baktrainians started to become their own people due to inbreeding from there race and so went from melting pot of people to a pure blooded society of Baktrainians. This was because tolerance of other races were very low and so almost became illegal to be in Baktria if you were not of Baktrainian decent. However the senate often fell out with Nicolaus's representative governor. This was because he was also a lazy man and worried more about his stomach and how much gold he is getting than the city and Provence of Baktrainia. This would lead to communications splitting between the Donocians and the Baktrainians.

What lead to this was the civil war between the emperor of the Donocian empire and his cousin who was trying to usurp the throne from his week relative. This meant that all troops were needed, however the garrisons, in Baktrainia refused even the high ranking generals and as the civil war slowly continued the communication was slowly but surely severed. When this happened the senate in Baktria was over-joyed they had finally gained true independence. But in this joyous moment there was also confusion on how the country should be run and chaos and anarchy was coming on the horizon. In fighting and arguing began in the senate and another civil war almost began this time in relatively small province. However Alexander Euphemious, took control of Baktrainia by using his military strength and he began a golden age for Baktrainia. He reformed the senate to make it national so even the other races could be involved he also then made the Kumarians there vassal rather than fighting them which was thought would be the only way to control them. He then helped the elders to expand there school and the dwarves to help build their great foundry. Overall Alexander liberalised Baktrainia and he increased tolerance for all and once again the Baktrainians began to look like it was becoming a melting pot of races again. Alexander also continued to vassalise the surrounding nations promising them unity and protection.
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