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 History of The Elves

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

History of The Elves Empty
PostSubject: History of The Elves   History of The Elves EmptyWed May 04, 2011 8:53 am

History of The Elves

The Elves you see today come from several groups of nomadic elves who, under an agreement, decided to work and live together in harmony. This great man is loved in modern elven literature, no one knows his name but the elders have been describing him for hundreds of years. It is said that the Elves Tree was created by magic that only elven Elders knew. This magic the elves also used to enlarge the forest around them, the Krumanians where amazed at the Elves ability to use this magic. The forest grew and prospered until some small attacks from the Krumanians halted the growth. It is said that Krumanians at one point even kidnapped the elven elders to attempt to learn the elves magic, the elders refused and the High King executed them, that is the reason there magical abilities ended with those dead elders. The History between the Elves and the Krumanians has always been bad. The Kings and leaders of Kruma have always attacked the Elves territory and later, when Baktria was under the rule of Alexander, Brennus the High King of Kruma took all of the elves territory and began to colonize it. later after the assassination of Brennus from an elven slave, the colonies where destroyed and the elven territory was regained.

The Elven nomads claim to be the first to live in Baktrainia. But unfortunately, due to lack of any form of writing from the elves, no one actually knows who was here first but they do know that the Krumarians and Elves where here before the Donocians. The Modern Elves just enjoy living in there tree, Most of the world considers the Elves slaves, including the Senate. Even today the Count of Kruma, Brennus, still tries to take Elven lands.

This history glosses over the elves because historians can only base there history off lore and tales.
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