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 History of The Eldarians

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

History of The Eldarians Empty
PostSubject: History of The Eldarians   History of The Eldarians EmptyWed May 04, 2011 9:22 am

History of The Eldarians

The Eldarians origin unknown, one day a group of unknown travelers who called themselves "The Eldarians" moved on to a barren island next to Baktria. Alexander was curious of these odd humans and sent a scout over to the island. When the scouts returned they spoke as if they had just seen god, they claim that they saw a massive city there, fully complete. They also claim to have seen "magical powers" being displayed by the citizens. Alexander then went himself to see this spectacle and was amazed. The stories the scouts said where true! Alexander attempted to become friends with this group as quickly as he could and he successful. All throughout Alexander's reign he tried to get the Eldarians to teach him magic but they never agreed. Alexander showed Brennus the Eldarians and explained how the city was only built in a days time! Brennus and his son tried the same thing but with no luck. After the death of Alexander and the attack on Baktria the Eldarians began to see the Krumanians and the Baktrians as savages and relations slowly deteriorated. Later that year 100PB the Senate accepted the Eldarians as an official nation, increasing the size of the senate to 4 nations (Eldarians, Baktria, Kruma, Dwarfs.)

The Eldarian still consider the Krumanians as unintelligent barbarians but enjoy the company of the Baktrians because of there literature and art. Eldarian are still the only one to date that has been able to keep there magical powers, some say it is because this land is to hostile for magic, but they disagree. The Eldarians are also one of the few actual republics in Baktrainia.
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