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 History of The Dwarves

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

History of The Dwarves Empty
PostSubject: History of The Dwarves   History of The Dwarves EmptyWed May 04, 2011 11:58 am

History of The Dwarves
The dwarves where invited to Baktrainia during the reign of Nicolaus Donocia because of there knowledge metallurgy. Nicolaus needed a group to help him make better weapons to deal with the uprising rebel problems. The Dwarves where useful to Nicolaus for a good time. But eventually the dwarves grew tired of constantly creating weapons for a man who took them over. After the death of Nicolaus they refused to create any sort of item for any foreigner. Luckily Solon could not do anything about the dwarves decision. The High King Brennus made good freinds with the Dwarves because of how close he was to them. Almost every week he would leave his castle to see the king of the Dwarves. They also agreed with eachother because they fought the same enemy, the Donocians. After the death of Brennus, his son tried to keep good relations with the dwarves but some say it hasn't worked.

The modern Dwarf lives a cramped, hot life in iron caves and inside there town underground. They enjoy the presence of a powerful military (Kruma) next to them but the dwarves disagree with the Krumarians religious belief system and will never lower there guard to anyone. They have been in the Senate almost as long as the Baktrians have, being the first to actually join the senate surprisingly. There was a rumor that Alexander promised the King of the Dwarves the title of emperor if they aided his campaign in taking over Baktrainia, this is the dwarven claim to baktrainia. The currrent leader of Baktria does not believe in this rumor, along with many of his people.
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