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 History of Baktrainia

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Join date : 2011-04-18
Age : 30
Location : Derby, UK

History of Baktrainia Empty
PostSubject: History of Baktrainia   History of Baktrainia EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 2:08 am

The ancient scriptures of the elves say that before the empire, Baktrainia was an Innocent haven of nature and peace. Mother natures innocent but unpredictable hand gripped Baktrainia so tightly it was at bursting point with life. But the books that the empire left us with tell us when they arrived that it was a savage land which was plagued with powerful beasts and disease. The few beings that slightly matched men and women were also plagued with this taint, and the elves were not much better. They say before the golden age of the Donocian empire, it was counted as inhospitable land and it was impossible to settle there, let alone make it into a jewel of civilization and prosperity.

When Emperor Phillipe Donocia, son of the iron fisted Pertronius Donocia, was crowned in the year 30 PB, he made everything in the empires list of impossibilities possible. He defeated the raiders from across the ocean to the east. Then by the year 34 PB he defeated the Ibissian empire to the west and left its rulers in chains till they were executed and left to rot and to be devoured by carrion birds. Then in 40PB PB he turned his eyes on Baktrainia to the south and everything in Baktrainia came to a halt. Some say he was mad, even if he did come out alive what was there to be had in this savage and chaotic land. Phillipe left the border of the Donocian empire with 150,000 men, not all of soldiers but with architects, historians, builders, noble men and many peasants. When he came back across in 50 PB he had only 50,000 men with him but what he had left behind was a wonder of civilization, prosperity and one of the most ordered societies known to man. The Donocian empire was finally supreme. It was at its highest point at 51 PB and Phillipe was a god, he is still to this very day worshipped by Baktrians. Though tragically this wouldn’t last long.

Phillipe died in his bed silently like any old man did in 55 PB. But when his death was announced it hit the empire like a tidle wave of shock waves coursing through every citizen, slave, immigrant and prisoner of Donocia. Some believed he wasn't dead but sleeping to save himself for the Donocians need, others say he hated his fame in his old age and faked his death so he could live a life as a lowly peasant. But all understood he was gone, his tomb is rumoured to be here in Baktrainia as its his proudest achievement for bringing life and intelligence to a place where he saw none. The next in line for the golden throne of the Donocian empire was Emperor Nicolaus Donocia who was crowned ten days after his fathers death at the age of thirty five. Nicolaus became languorous knowing that his father had done all the work for him and just enjoyed the pleasures of life alcohol, women and wealth. He let citizens of the Empire starve while he feasted and would not exert himself in big political events or decisions which let his corrupt advisor’s basically rule for him. During this Baktrainia was still being funded heavily by the centralised government of the empire as it had become the jewel of the empire, this brought settlers from all around, such as the dwarves from the northern gold Alps who brought their knowledge of metallurgy to Baktrainia and the mysterious syndicate of wizards who arrived and built their city in a single night with the power of their apparent god. Nicolaus even invested and went as far as to building a palace there, which ruins can still be seen, like the ruins of his reign can still be felt.

His reign riled up the people of the Donocian empire to bursting point. But he was not the one who caused the fall of the empire directly. His son, Solon Donocia, was a weak man who only existed due to the medicine made by his physicists. He also came from a shady back ground as he was believed to be a child from a affair with a elven slave as people believed bears the weakness of elves. When his farther died in 65 PB at the age of 45 due to a disintegrated liver, he was crowned at the age of 26, but straight away he became under the criticism of his cousin Nikomedes Donocia who had the support of a large army and the vast majority of the peasants. The nobles in court supported Solon and with this a major civil war started in 66 PB and the empire burned up with its own power which fuelled the flames of war. Then a Ibissian rebellion in 70 PB began which made the Empire collapse.

Baktrainia's communication with the empire was cut when the civil war started when the garrisons refused to leave their families. Then mass confusion hit the Baktrainia as the senate, which was set-up by Phillipe himself when the nobles demanded their thoughts to be listened to in the direction of Baktrainia, couldn’t decide what to do. Then the generals of the army, noble men directly related to noble men who were the few Donocian noble men to come with Phillipe Donocia, stepped forward and offered themselves as emperor of Baktrainia, and due to the peoples pride to become a empire themselves like the Donocian empire. Then the hardest decision came to the senate who was worthy of ruling?

would it be Alexander Euphemios? Son to Neopotumulus Euphemios who was the saviour of Baktria, when savage Kumarian raiders nearly burnt the small town to the ground while it was being built and was prefect of the Baktrainian Auxiliary regiments made up of all foreign volunteers and conscripts toughened by the savage south border. Or would it be the Iron fisted general from the northern border? Leontius Akonstai. whose soldiers said his iron fist of authority was rivalled to that of Pertronius and his soldiers followed this man with abject loyalty, but with fear. Then finally there was Diodotus who's gold could fill the central chamber of the Eldarions magic school and with that wealth a host of men and even more powerful nobles gathered around him and he had been recently been made prefect of the Baktrainian Noble guard.

With this immense build up of power there could only be one way to settle the issue. Alexander set off north too meet his rivals and with the passion in which he told his auxiliaries that they would have freedom and equality they marched north ferociously capturing the hearts and minds of their fellow Baktrainian citizens, foreigners and soldiers. Soon it wasn't just a regiment Alexander commanded, he now commanded the whole southern region of Baktrainian. Diodotus worried by the expedient growth of one of his rivals quickly made alliance with Leontius and they both set off to quell this liberalism and to keep traditional Baktrainia and many of the nobles followed. They met in the region of Pelunica where the the greatest battle between two armies in took place Baktrainia. Alexander had the army which marched and fought on the passion of freedom where as Leontinus's and Diodotus's coalition army fought and marched on the thought of fear if oppression and punishment and the joys of riches and treasure. Alexander lead the charge and his body guard followed cutting through scores of men to get two the two other generals which sat at the back upon the hill and with fear Diodotus fled the field with only a small band of his closest allies to fort Thavon (the first fort Phillipe mad when he arrived in Baktrainia) leaving the nobles and Leontius to their doom.

However Alexander saw this as a chance to bind the people of Baktrainia together and instead of killing all of them he asked for the nobles and rest of Leontius (wounded but still a very good advisor and friend to Alexander after Alexander saved him from the slaughter) to join them to hunt down this corrupt coward and to destroy him from the face of the land. So then there was only a final battle to be fought on paper it looked like Alexander Euphemios would win spears down. However with his wealth, Diodotus had been taught sinful conjuration magic and he opened up a portal to hell in the middle of the fort and a host of devilish beings poured from the gates of the fort and Alexander off guard had to desperately hold them back from attacking city while also besieging the fort with catapult ships and nautical ballista's. In closing stages of the battle Alexander’s flag ship fired a direct hit at the portal causing it to destabilise and explode killing Diodotus (as him and the portal had become one) and shooting obsidian shrapnel everywhere injuring Alexander in the leg and sinking his flag ship in the process.

After the battle and mourning Alexander was declared a hero and was taken to the senate where they agreed that Alexander should be declared Omnipotent Emperor, and on 71 PB he was crowned emperor of all Baktrainia. Alexander expanded Baktrainia, he reformed Baktrainia many times over liberalising it and making equality, opportunities and freedom the keystones of society. He also cleared away the years of war and the people were over joyed.

It is now 75 PB and you have enter the Baktrainian empire at its highest point of greatness. Go enter the world, off my ship, and make something of yourself before I make you, Tramp!

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