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 History of Kruma

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

History of Kruma Empty
PostSubject: History of Kruma   History of Kruma EmptyWed May 04, 2011 7:01 am

History of Kruma

The year was 45 PB, Phillipe Donocia takes over Kruma with little to no resistance and moved the inhabitants over to a land the empire saw as "better for them." Being strong mountain men who mostly fought against the elves (the only other native inhabitants of Baktrainia) they where used as merceneries in return for partial freedom of there people, always being against phillipe and his empire they where always hostile towards them. After the death of Phillipe in 55 PB the Krumarian decided to take action, A Native Krumarian and a Noble of the Army, Bricius Krumaar lead a rebellion against the empire. at this time the Empire had other rebellions to deal with, realizing this, Bricius and his army raids his way to Kruma, killing and raping on his way. After arriving outside Kruma he realizes the standerds of the elves flies over his town. He decides to siege the town and execute any survivors of the assault.After the siege Bricius personally executed the elf Elder of the town. He then decides to burn and destroy this horrible elf settlement. (partial remains of the elf settlement lies near Kruma today.) The reconstruction of Kruma begins as the elves become appalled at hearing no survivors where left from the seige. In the later years of his rule Bricius introduced a form of government never seen by his people, the Nobles would vote for a king to make domestic policies and the High King makes foriegn policy. This new Semi-democratic government was loved by the people because it gave them a small say in government ideas. During the sad year of 66 PB Bricius dies of Dysantry.

His only son Brennus takes the throne the same year. for the next 5 years he improves Kruma and builds the great High Kings Castle. in the year PB 71, Alexander, Emporer of Baktrainia send gifts to Brennus and develops a good relationship. Brennus eventually becomes a vassal of Alexander. Alexander allows Brennus to freely take the Elven land. Brennus attempts to build on this land but it is to heavily wooded. Brennus attempts to cutt down sections of the forest to begin colonies. The current year PB 76 Brennus continues to keep his good relations with Alexander, allowing the Knights of Belenos to server under Alexander. Brennus also wishes to marry hi son to one of Alexanders daughters.
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