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 Application - Knossolis

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Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-25

Application - Knossolis Empty
PostSubject: Application - Knossolis   Application - Knossolis EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 12:53 pm

IGN Name: Knossolis or "Fassbinder"


Location: MI

Previous Servers: Baktrainia

What is role-play/ have you ever done it?: Sir.... I am just a simple elf in the woods who has to beg for food every day and night... What do I not even a true elf a half Blooded one at that! Who has been casted out my home Serragorth and of both societys and left to die in the forest Glimnair with Tree ents know about Role-playing!

What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here) I'm better then the best... the bestest if you will... I'm humble too.

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? Skype and Steam

RP profile- "The Pretender"

Characters Name: Knossolis Krumaar (His last name is a secret because if people knew it he would be assassinated so therefore he goes by the name)

Knossolis Vercinix (Knoxx-O-Lis, Ver-Seen-IX)

Characters age: 25-27

Race: Krumarian
(When I refer to The queen I refer to Bricius’s first wife.)

Character Background: Knossolis was born as son to Bricius Krumaar and Sgathaich: Sgathaich fought in Bricius’ army. She posed as a man (A Mute man) to fight and was one of the greatest soldiers in Bricius’s army. In one famous battle she single handedly killed 50 men but was de-helmeted. She was dragged to Bricius to be executed but when he gazed upon her beauty; her golden long hair and light blue eyes he fell in love and took her has his mistress. Being allowed to fight and being at Bricius’s side she became known as Sgathaich – The Warrior Queen. This information soon came back to Bricius’s wife and soon thereafter the women developed a rivalry; however, Bricius’s wife paid little attention feeling as if it was just a fling. Upon the establishing Krumar as his city He kept Sgathaich as his secret mistress (which everyone in Kruma knew but refused to acknowledge and in inner circles was known as the bitch of Kruma) soon thereafter she was taken as Bricius’ second wife where she bore him two children Acair the Eldest and Knossolis. One night Sgathaich demanded Bricius divorce his first wife (His mistress as she called her) and declare her son Acair the True Heir. He was said to of accepted and in his preparation for the divorce he fell extremely ill (many suspect the Queen poisoned him) He began to be so violently ill he was bed ridden for months. This was when the Queen started a military Coup to expel Sgathaich from Kruma; however, being a Warrior she killed many of the guards who came to arrest her. The Queen Then Grabbed Sgathaich’s son Acair and put a knife to his throat. Sgathaich surrendered in hopes of protecting her sons’ life. Sadly the Queen still Killed Acair seeing him as a threat to her son’s soon to be absolute rule. Knossolis was sent to be executed in the woods and Sgathaich was jailed. Sgathaich was then freed by her servents where she killed her sons’ to be executers. Knossolis and his Mother fled for their lives to the mountains where she taught him the way of the Krumarian warrior and how to fight. Knossolis Soon looked to a wiseman Cullen as his new teacher/father where he grew up in the mountains/woods and barren wasteland. Knossolis left his home for awhile to travel with Cullen around the world. And then joined the great Armies of Eòsaph where he learned how to fight and lead. When he returned he found out that His mother Sgathaich was captured and beheaded but before she was executed her marrige to the Bricius was declared null and void, it is said that they then took all the books and parchiments that had anything to do with her or her beauty and used it to burn her and her sons' bodies after they were desecrated. (Bricius also died of dysentery many inner groups belive he was poisoned *again* so that the Queens son could inherit his throne faster) Both Knossolis’s mother and brother’s bodies were desecrated, burned and then buried in the sewers. Knossolis returned to Kruma to kill his half brother and to claim his throne; however, he quickly learned that he wouldn’t be even able to get past the gates of the castle if he came for blood. So Knossolis a man with immense intelligence, viligence, paitence and determination joined the Army and works his way up the ranks hoping someday to reclaim his would be title of Royalty and King!

Off topic history of Knossolis- Knossolis spent a lot of his time in wars, (mostly wars that fought against the empire) when he was first exiled from Kruma he barely cared about it. He never cared to be royalty; however, his mother always told him of his denied birthright which fell on deaf ears until his mothers' death when his view on it changed. He faught in a variety of battlefields from tropical to dessert from ocean to temperate plains. He however dedicated himself to learning how to fight on the barren wastelands and mountains he called home. His village of exiles was often attacked by bandits and slave traders so he was forced to learn how to fight for days at a time. He developed a large build and often became a blood driven maniac in battle who's arrogance in battle was uncontested before his many series of defeats which forced the city of exiles to relocate in the mountains. His defeat in protecting his home against the emperors army drove saddness in him and he was the first exile to try and be exiled from the exile city for losing so many men. He was asked to leave for a time where he joined another military under the command of Gunn a warlord who commanded a large army of Húscarls and wanted to reclaim Kruma, seperate himself from the empire; and finally declare war on the elfs and the Empire. Knossolis spent awhile in Gunns army and soon became Gunn's personal Guard and military advisor. He was taught by Gunn how to lead men and his philosophy on Kruma and it's history. It's with Gunn that Knossolis first began to develop national pride and realized why His mother had always spoke so fondly of it. Being thousands of miles away from his home made him realize how important the city really was, even though he lived far from the cities in the mountains he could see the city from time to time if the light permitted. Kruma was the Light of these barren wastes. continued to fight with Gunn's army and his Krumarian pride of being unstoppable drove him everytime he fought in battle until one fateful day when the emperors army completely destroyed Gunn's army. Gunn mortally wounded fled with his guards and personal advisors while his army was crushed. It is said that only Gunn, Knossolis and 4 other men survived that day. Gunn sitting on his deathbed declared Knossolis his son and heir to inherit his life's work (At this time of the defeat Gunn was desolate leaving his fortune behind in the battle, so Knossolis didnt inherit anything more then Gunn's blessing) meanless to say Knossolis time in the army humbled him and forced him to seek for a new purpose. After his tour was done and returning home poorer then he left it knossolis returned home at the age of 19(-1/2) and took cullen as his mentor where he learned intelligence was more important. They explored the forest around his home and contemplated on their beauty. This is where Knossolis stopped counting time and lost track of his true age. In the Forest Cullen and Knossolis built 2 wooden log homes. Cullen a wiseman carried with him into the forest more then a 1000 books (which for a single man is said to be impossible) which it is said Knossolis was told to finish before he could leave the forest ((Cullen learned that Knossolis could see a book one time and quote everything it says from memory so Cullen decided it was best to teach Knossolis that way) this is also why if you ever hear knossolis Speech's in a crowd or before battle or even in single conversation he will quote many authors and books which is why many people find him arrogant acually..) Knossolis spent many years in the forest refusing to read all the books in an attempt to keep Cullen with him (Cullen had fallen ill and said his only purpose left in life was to make sure he finished his books, Knossolis who has looked for father figures his entire life thought of Cullen as his father/grandfather and didnt want to see him go.) After many months Cullen grabbed Knossolis by the hand and said.. "Knossolis... I'm sorry.. But I won't be able to live to see you finish those books.. My death lies within this hour" To which knossolis replied "Cullen... I have finished those books a thousand times.. I just never told you in the fear you would leave." Cullen turned to Knossolis and smiled and said in a weak voice "Knossolis I have no children.. But as a childless man I do feel as though I am leaving behind a Son." After he finished he died between breathes. Knossolis stood up and saw Cullens other hand resting on a book with a Note labeled "The Pretender" Inside lies a Book Cullen wrote by hand about the life of a pretender...and Knossolis life which ends in two outcomes. The rest of the book was left for Knossolis to use as a journal. He Buried Cullen in the forest and stored his books in a few chests before he left. On his return home to his exiled village he found it was raided this time not be the emperor or bandits but by Kruma. The guards took Knossolis Mother to the city, Knossolis took a horse and rode hard to the city but at the roads leading to Kruma he learned his mother was already killed and buried in the sewers (A further way to desocrate a body) It is there it is said that Knossolis read Cullens Book the Pretender and developed a stradegy on reclaiming his royalty.. It is said it was there that Knossolis inner beast was released it was there that Knossolis decided.. It was time for him to go home... To Kruma!

Whats your characters personality? Knossolis is a young very wise and intelligent man who threw his mentor Cullen studied nature and learned that Humans weren’t dominate because of their physical strength instead they are the weakest. They are the strongest because they have intellect and the ability to use Logic. This made Knossolis dedicate himself to his studies. He learned from the Warlord Gunn and his mother Sgaithaich how to fight, lead and not only command men but command their hearts and minds. Unlike most military commanders he started out making Many mistake but those mistakes burned into his mind and everytime he fights he learns what is best and what not to do. He's a very humble person; however, he has a negitive trait where even if he painted the "Mona Lisa" or conquered the empire with 50 men he would never feel that he did it the best way. When he is alone he constantly beats himself up over all the mistakes in his life which makes many people belive he is cold hearted or socially ackword. He is very charismatic but at times he is shy. He is plauged by nightmares of not being able to save his brother or mother which leads him into fits of depression which at most last for a day. Truly befriending this man is nearly impossible while you may joke and have fun Knossolis will always keep you at arms lengh ready to push you away if need be. Knossolis has trouble at times seperating sarcasm from fact and joke from truth. If you were to come up to him with a serious face and explain how the sun is purple it is quite possible he would slap you in the face and force you to stare at the sun until you nearly went blind while screaming "WHAT COLOR DO YOU THINK THAT IS?" but if he knew the character and knew he was joking he would respond "do you jest?" then laugh uncontrollably.
All in all he is a very contemplated person.

Most reconized Trait's: Fast learner/improvising/survivalist

Religion: -Myrdenenism- he dosent truly care for religion only see’s it as a way to control people and keep order. This stems from the fact that many of the books he read only referenced religion as a way for kings to keep order. Knossolis also fought in many wars as a mercenary and seen first hand these wars of religion.

What do you want your charcter to achieve? To become Military advisor or second hand man to Kruma's count, To restore the Duel monarchy of Kruma or be reinstated as royalty "To be acknowledged as Bricius's son". To destroy the emperors influence in Kruma, to destroy the empire, to raise the largest army in the world and be the greatest general.

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? It add’s controversy to Kruma and will attract people to want to play Kruma. It add’s more reasons to be involved in Kruma and provides gossip for people of Baktrainia. It also adds a untold history and leads people to questions such as Should I really trust exactly what they tell me or is there a untold story here like Knossolis's? This provides the opprotunity for new players to be inspired and find peices of the puzzle to add the world which not only attracts more but adds to the imagination.

why did you choose the race youve chosen? Kruma right now is small and unimportant in the map of the world... I think it requires more attractiveness.. possible players before joining will ask themselves what race do they find the most interesting or the coolest. Elves seem to be the lowest on the list do to the fact that unless they have alarge population they are worthless... I wouldn't want to be an elf unless I had super archer powers. Elders have magic and of course people are interested in that.. That leaves Kruma and the Empire.. The Empire has the most things to do so of course your going to choose that while Kruma only has a Count. Kruma needs more attractiveness and by adding a controversy and gossip you instill in the minds of wanna-be-role-players that Wow Kruma is the best place to be if I want to be active.
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