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 Fowler_of_Foxley's Application

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

Fowler_of_Foxley's Application Empty
PostSubject: Fowler_of_Foxley's Application   Fowler_of_Foxley's Application EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 8:20 am

IGN Name: Fowler_of_Foxley

Age: 16

Location: NC

Previous Servers: Baktrainia

What is role-play/ have you ever done it?: Roleplaing is acting of a certain role, yes i have done it.

What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here) High

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? Skype and Steam

RP profile

name: Brennus Krumaar

Characters age: 38

Race: Krumarian

Background: Brennus was brought up from birth to command the men of Kruma in battle, At the age of 8 he began weapons training with the Arena Champion. Although Brennus was constantly being trained to be a great warrior, he enjoyed an easy life in Westiron castle and was tought common rules of nobility and diplomacy. at the age of 18 he was placed in command of a small group of Krumarians patrolling in the woods near the Elven Haven, around 30 knights. The group was ambushed by elves estimated about 80 in all. The initial attack killed about half the knights and the rest fled, as they where fleeing Brennus traled behind and tried to rally them. As he was shouting he was dehorsed by an elf, cutting through his helmet hitting his left eye and a part of his nose, he was able to kill the elf but he had to run back to the camp. When he arrived he was told that the knights already informed the men that they had been ambushed and told them to stay on guard. Later that night the camp was ambushed but the elves where caught and killed, Brennus wore an eyepatch over his left eye. After commanding in battle a few other times in the future he began to become more succesful and won most skirmishes. After his fathers death he immediatly began to make improvements to the town, he also began to talk to Alexander more often and after 5 years of improvements, war, and diplomacy he decided to take an oath to become a vassal of the emporer, in return he would be protected, givin a position in the senate, and could continue his war with the elves. Today Brennus has little to do, seeing that he halted the war with the elves (at the moment.) He makes usual trips to Fort Adena and to the capital of Baktria.

Whats your characters personality? A man proud of his nobility and Krumarian blood, he usually acts in a proud manner and usually boasts of his military skill and combat expertise

Religion: Myrdenenism

What do you want your charcter to achieve? To follow the emporers will and to show others that Krumarians are not just barbarians.

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? He will aid Alexander in whatever he wishes and command and bring glory to Kruma.

why did you choose the race youve chosen? Because i created the race, the town, and its history.
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-25

Fowler_of_Foxley's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fowler_of_Foxley's Application   Fowler_of_Foxley's Application EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 1:28 am

Its Alright, i guess.-------> Jk its great.

Status: Accpeted
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