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 2nd Apllication Knossolis

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Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-08-25

2nd Apllication Knossolis Empty
PostSubject: 2nd Apllication Knossolis   2nd Apllication Knossolis EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 1:21 pm



Michigan Us.

I Role play all the time.


Friend told me

Your server.


Characters Name: Knossolis

Characters age: 17- 1/2

Race: Elder

Character Background: Knossoliss' family was murdered by the emperors soldier and he swore revenge, one day while trackign down one of the men who killed his mother he was disarmed and about to be beheaded when he Cast a spell that set the man on fire. Knossolis didnt know what he did that day all he knew was that it saved his life, he has no idea how to re create it. So Knossolis a man who has faught all his life to evenge his family now runs to the Mages of Baktria for answers.

Whats your characters personality? Humble and un confident yet super intelligent


What do you want your charcter to achieve? To be the greatest wizard in the world and to master magic/ to become friends (Or fellow apostates) with Martin

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? Adds another way to Rp

why did you choose the race youve chosen? It feels like I've answered this 8 times now.. Razz Because I love magic.
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-07-07

2nd Apllication Knossolis Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2nd Apllication Knossolis   2nd Apllication Knossolis EmptyFri Aug 26, 2011 2:33 pm

good short ---SHORT--- Story. Next time put the questions beside the answer

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