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 senoirjackson25's application

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2 posters

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-09-04

senoirjackson25's application Empty
PostSubject: senoirjackson25's application   senoirjackson25's application EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 2:43 pm

IGN Name: senoirjackson25

Age: 16

Location: Townsville, Australia

Previous Servers: Lorecraft,, synthesia

What is role-play/ have you ever done it?: I only play roleplay servers for minecraft, in other words yes i have done roleplay many times.

What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here) Moderate, good at it, but not at the top of the ranks

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.?(if so what are they) None can get though (i guess)

where did you learn of the server?: lorecraft participant (cormag778)

RP profile

Characters Name: Anos Drevan

Characters age: 29

Race: Elf

Character Background (this should be 3-4 sentences and should be relevant to the server) : When Anos was 21 years of age, he had begun hanging around with a new group of friends, they were bad people, rebels if you will. Anos was not the rebel kind but he did what he could to fit in. One day, the rebels made Anos do a job for them, it required murder. Anos being the type of person who does not murder other good people, fled. Ever since he was 21, he has been running from the rebels, trying to get as far away as possible from them. When he came across Baktrainia.

Whats your characters personality? Humourous, friendly, energentic

Religion (state your religion as given in the History Section of the Forum): Lucina

What do you want your charcter to achieve? High up in the ranks of the town

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? In the markets/shops, selling buying, helping the economy

why did you choose the race youve chosen? Good ol MrChang, and i belive Saltyness aswell chose this race but has not seen the message (he posted way back aswell)
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-25

senoirjackson25's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: senoirjackson25's application   senoirjackson25's application EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 3:00 pm

Status: Accepted

Welcome to Baktrainia.
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