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 MrChang's application

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2 posters

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Join date : 2011-05-18

MrChang's application Empty
PostSubject: MrChang's application   MrChang's application EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 2:02 pm

*I posted an app months ago. Probably 4 months ago? I just got a PM to join so here's my APP*

IGN Name: MrChang

Age: 24

Location: NYC

Previous Servers: Too many to count

What is role-play/ have you ever done it?: Since I was a kid in the 80s playing D&D with my friends up till 2AM in the morning with Haagen Daz icecream.

What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here) Fairly high, although I do not tolerate my creations being demolished unless I approve.

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.?(if so what are they) I have steam, user is Someaznboi. (It should be)

where did you learn of the server?: Months ago from an old friend by the name of Cormag778

Characters Name: Therran Heasidare

Characters age: 228 (28 physically)

Race: Elf

Character Background: Therran's homecity was once isolated yet, prosperous. As a young child, he would read about great deeds of Alexander Euphemios and would often venture off into the forests to explore and imagine his own adventures. Many times avoiding his studies and arms practice, his teachers and parents would often find him in the outer forests exploring caves, taking in the nature and studying the wildlife around. Therran had eventually grown up and his mischief in the forest could no longer satisfy him. It was then and there on his 228th birthday where he officially decided to pack fresh, durable clothes, a fine steel elvish blade, a Bow made from the enchanted wood from their forests, assorted foods, and a memento of home and then set off to the wondrous city of Baktria to seek adventure and pride to bring back to his elvish home city.

Whats your characters personality? Hearty, cheerful, friendly, but cautious

Religion (state your religion as given in the History Section of the Forum): Lucina

What do you want your charcter to achieve? To be a well known, well respected adventurer and hero of the lands. As well as bringing back souvenirs from all over the world to his people to see.

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? Therran is a fighter(Skilled in use of Swords + Bows) and also serves as moral support for friends. Advanced knowledge of wildlife(animals, plants etc.), well educated, can bake a mean elvish cake. Also, a great drinking buddy.

why did you choose the race youve chosen? I've always stuck with elves since I was a wee lad because they are enhanced humans like RoboCop except more attractive and no metal parts. Fast yet, strong.
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-25

MrChang's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: MrChang's application   MrChang's application EmptySun Sep 04, 2011 2:11 pm

Welcome to Baktrainia. Very Happy

Status: Accepted

The Ip is:
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