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 bigboycraft application

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

bigboycraft application Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigboycraft application   bigboycraft application EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 11:53 am

no... try harder

i have to list all the things that are wrong -

1. there are no nukes and you cant be a "super hero" this isnt some towny kid server
2. there are no marines, this is similar to a greek society with additions of barbarians like vikings and such
3. there are no dollars

all of this clearly shows you did not read any of the history or even kept to the story of Baktria, you did manage to get correct religions but Zevulinism is pro hatred for elves. try completely again.
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bigboycraft application Empty
PostSubject: name    bigboycraft application EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 12:07 pm

IGN Name:bigboycraft



[b]Previous Servers: Modded Game Server

[b]What is role-play/ have you ever done it?:An instance or situation in which one deliberately acts out or assumes a particular character or role.

[b]What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here) on a scale from 1 to 10 about a 8

[b]Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? XBL GT: FastPanda3 Youtube: WarfareUnlimited and FastPanda3

[b]name: Wilfred

[b]Characters age: Hes around 25 as he is a retired miner.

[b]Race: Elves

[b]Background: Retired miner. He had a family when he lived in Treelome, a large forest city a bit south from Baktrainia....His family died in a tree accident, by falling out of the trees while sleeping.. He was left alot, Retired with no money so he moved here to find a job and get money.

[b]Whats your characters personality? Can get mad sometimes when mistreated, but he always gets the job done Good clean and in line

[b]Religion: Zevulnism

[b]What do you want your charcter to achieve? Get a job,retire, and own a big house.. Get a lot of money.

[b]How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia? He will be great at jobs

[b]why did you choose the race youve chosen? Elves Live in dense forest so I would like to live in a dense forest area...My characters background he grew up in a dense forest, so he will be used to the surroundings.
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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

bigboycraft application Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigboycraft application   bigboycraft application EmptyTue Aug 09, 2011 12:09 pm


Status: Accepted
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