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 Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 )

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Join date : 2011-08-07

Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) Empty
PostSubject: Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 )   Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 6:38 am

IGN Name: Jaykboy

Age: 15

Location: Texas

previus servers:
Sofurry, Some other RP-esque server (SVN, as I recall), and a private one hosted by a friend.

What is role play/ have you ever done it?:
I consider Role-Play to be a method of gaming - typically of the PC variety - in which one determines certain facets for a fictional character of their very own to emulate in a virtual world, that tends to fit a certain theme or motif (E.G., Medieval era)!

What level of role play are you? (honesty needed here)
Relatively new; casual/passive

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.?
I have both a Skype and Steam account, yes.

RP profile

name: Jayk

Characters age: 24

race: Baktrian

Back ground:
Jayk was born just as all other warm-blooded creatures were, on the impoverished side of Baktrainia. Raised a lowly farmhand by his rich plantation-owning neighbor, beginning at an early age, he dreamed of becoming wealthy and well-renowned among the general populous of his hometown. His adolescent life took a turn for the worse at the age of fourteen, when his parents were arrested by the then-sovereign King's knights for the charge of growing sugarcane on a non-royal farmstead. He then enlisted in the King's army, in order to act as a double agent for the currently revolting public, so that the King would soon be hung for his stringent laws, and unfair penal system he imposed on his once-lauding people. Five years into his career, a fellow knight stumbled across his journal, one evening, and discovered his plans! The zealous oaf that he was, Sir Brandtford reported Jayk to the Council and vindictively advised his "nefarious scheme" be exposed in full, and that he be hanged for his disloyalty! The morning of his planned death, the executioner binged on the king's private stores of ale, and ultimately fudged the knot in his noose, while preparing for his next victim. That same evening, in the musty halls of the Redstone torch-lit gallows, he was finally reunited with his parents, only to be swept away by the royal guards, off to the stage upon which his life was to be snuffed out. Fortunately, the inebriated executioner's rope was flimsily tied, and his head slipped free within seconds of being strung up! Back on the ground, he swiftly stole a guard's broadsword, cut his onlooking parents free, and ventured out into the central town of Baktrainia, to stake his claim and give his family the life they deserved!
At the age of just 23, though, his parents both passed away from a shared, household case of cholera. After a seemingly endless depression, he's come to accept his parents' deaths, and has remained in Baktrainia, in order to find success in its new, more stable hierarchy!

Whats your characters personality?
Noble, somewhat neurotic, a-a-a-a-and rather nerdy!

Memelish/Internet Junkie

What do you want your charcter to achieve?
I expect to gradually advance toward being a well-adjusted, well-rounded Baktrainian citizen!

How will your character add to the world of Baktrainia?
I will not only add onto the Baktrainian population, altogether, but I have great potential to be a kind-hearted and functional member of society!

why did you choose the race youve chosen?
The perks sounded the most appealing, as well as the nationality itself being more conforming.

Last edited by Jaykboy on Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:12 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Misconstrued Instructions - "Character Background" section.)
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Join date : 2011-04-25

Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 )   Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 6:56 am

Good Except for the Character Background Part.

If you change that, you'll be accpeted.

Check out Nihilus's or Reip's apps. They are good Examples.
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-25

Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 )   Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 1:19 pm

Much Better Background.

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PostSubject: Re: Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 )   Jaykboy's Application (that's me! :3 ) Empty

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