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 Po's Application (read this for a good example)

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Join date : 2011-04-25

Po's Application (read this for a good example) Empty
PostSubject: Po's Application (read this for a good example)   Po's Application (read this for a good example) EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 1:53 am

IGN Name: Po_24

Age: 17

Location: NC

Previous Servers: Baktrainia?

What is role play/ have you ever done it?: Yes, Role-Play is the acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously or unconsciously, in accordance with the perceived expectations of society with regard to a person's behavior in a particular context.

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? Yes I have skype and steam.

Character Profile

Character Name: Zerel

Characters age: Unknown (old)

Race: Eldar

Background: Zerel was orphaned at the tender age of 5, his mother had passed several years before, and his father fell victim to raiders who savagely tortured him to insanity. The Raiders kept Zerel attempting to brainwash him into a vicious animal-like killer. No more than a year had passed when Zerel was rescued by a band of soldiers working under the Emperor Phillipe Donocia from the west. The soldiers then brought Zerel back west into the heart of Baktrainia leaving him with first couple who'd take him. Zerel, scarred from his past with raiders, lived with this couple for nearly 10 years until one night his anger consumed him and, on accident and through means of magic, he caused both his surrogate parents to parish. Now only 16 years old he fled the interior of Baktrainia and began to live a life as a sly street urchin stealing food and clothing with his magic. Eventually others like Zerel arrived in Baktrainia, and Zerel now 32 years old, left his life as an urchin to join them and soon, lead them....

Whats your characters personality? Forgiving yet Harsh, Kind yet Sinister, Happy yet Wistful

Religion: (state your religion as given in the History Section of the Forum) Zevulunism

What do you want your character to achieve? He wants to bring back the times in which both nature and man were harmoniously in tact.

How will your character contribute to the World of Baktrainia? He will train young men and women to master their fears to become one with nature and the divine.

Why did you choose the race you've chosen? I'm leader.

Last edited by Po24 on Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-07-07

Po's Application (read this for a good example) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Po's Application (read this for a good example)   Po's Application (read this for a good example) EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 3:47 am

Nice application po Razz

People take this application as an EXAMPLE
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Posts : 111
Join date : 2011-04-25

Po's Application (read this for a good example) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Po's Application (read this for a good example)   Po's Application (read this for a good example) EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 3:57 am

Status: Accepted
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