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 The Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

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The Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen Empty
PostSubject: The Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen   The Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen EmptyWed May 18, 2011 8:07 am

The Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen

(Texts involving semi-modern politics and events come from Michael the Pilgrim (or "Michael the Hermit") his texts where added between the years 48PB and 63PB. Texts written before these dates come from either Reynold of Keldar or other clergymen. the book separate writings where combined into a single book in 67PB (The religion had no official name until that date and each manuscript was used for worship)

Chapter 1- Creation of Earth

Myrdenen, the one pure god of the Itus (Space and nothingness) Decided to create a planet in which a master race could control. This race being his own blood and soul, The Krumarians. To create such a place, Myrdenen (even though almighty) needed assistance. He then created Belenos, from his Arm; Cian, from his Heart; and Neas, from his head and his eyes. He marked this spot with an eternal flame which now lies behind Kruma. They began constructing earth, and with the help of the Demi-Gods they created Earth within a day. He created the sun with the passion he had for war and suffering, and then created the moon with the sorrow he had from defeat. He created the trees from hi hair and the ground from his chest. He then decided, it was time to make the creatures of this planet, and name the rulers of it.

Chapter-2 The First Humans and Animals

When Myrdenen made the decision to create these people, he called forth his Demi-Gods to do this. When they came forth, he took Cian and Belenos to create a Human man (Krumarian more specifically.) He then took Neas for what she was and made a Human Female. Even though they where made from the gods of male and female, they have traits from all of them. After he finished the Krumarians he then made the other humans of the world, and then the Dwarfs, and finally the Elves. After the rulers of the earth where conceived, the fowl and the creatures came after, to be the servants and food.

Chapter 3- The Demi-Gods and Powers

After the creation of the inhabitants of the planet, he gave powers to the Gods and told them to watch over these beings because he had more important matters. He gifted the great, strong God Belenos the ruler of War and Torture. He gave Cian the position of God of Honor and Glory. And finally, he gave the Goddess Neas Respect. After Myrdenen gifted the titles to these Gods, he sent them down to earth to always watch over the populace of the world, and watch over the first beings aswell.

Chapter 4- The Two Krumarians

In the beginning, after the creation of people and creature, there was only two of each species. Stranded in a snowy artic, where two Krumarians, a man and a women. These two where permitted to create more of their own kind and to build. The slowly built up a town and from the help of Belenos (who showed himself in a dream) the town was named Kruma. The strongest and bravest man of the kind named Maedoc became the ruler of the town and was named chief. The town of Kruma progressed until the men of Donocia took the town for himself, he destroyed any trace of scriptures from Old Kruma so none of the leaders names (other than after the rebellion) where named. The Donocians where sent to a far off land with nothing but hot climates and sun. They left after a short period of time, lead gloriously by Bricius back to Kruma.

Chapter 5- The Donocian Invasion

During the early days of Kruma, it was said that the Prophet Cadeyrn spoke of great horrors in the future from Kruma and great torment from one named “Phillipe.” He also spoke of the wrath of Belenos coming from the sky to aid in these troubled times. It turned out to be correct, after the invasion a man named Bricius Krumaar (said to be a direct relative of Maedoc) became angered at the Donocians, claiming that his people not only died from the journey over but where even dieing here because of the poor conditions for people who live in the snow all year. He soon lead the rebellion and witnesses say that when he struck any Donocian in his way he would split them in half. These events prove that Cadeyrn must have had divine knowledge to know such a thing, and such a future for Kruma.

Chapter 6- The Prophecies of the Great Cadeyrn

Maedoc also spoke of a great king who revised the thoughts of the Krumarian people so much, that there town may not look the same. He also said “This Great Lion will become overrun with rage, and will be killed by an Ant.” We later find the son of Bricius, Brennus Krumaar who reformed the city and turned it into what it is today, he was killed by a slave in a siege. Maedoc also had other prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled, for example he said “A Dark cloud shall lie over the world, and the world of Gods will merge with the world of Man, And there will be one Evil leader who shall have the world in chains.” Cadeyrn also was said to predict to birth of Alexander and his rule.

Chapter 7- The Birth of Arcus, the Lord of Evil

Although the world was finished and all the gods had been made, a spirit named Arcus was not finished by Myrdenen and was accidentally sent to earth. As a mother in Baktria was giving birth something pacified her of her screaming and pain, the child came out of her womb without any effort, as if, it climbed out. She named the child Arcus, and after she spurted the name out, blood ran from her mouth and she died. The father was left to tend to the child. When Arcus reached age 2, he stood up and walked, when his father (still in shock) attempted to stop him, he light into an inferno, burning down the house. Some say Arcus walked into the ocean and was never seen, others say Arcus dug underneath Baktria waiting to be re awakened by the coming of the leader Maedoc predicted. In any case, Arcus was unofficially named the lord of Evil, and is the one spirit to carry out death in every race.

Chapter 8- The Elves

The Elves where always considered slaves because of the way they lived and the lack of bravery they had. In Old Kruma the Elves where used only as slaves for a common Krumarian, They would be wiped and beaten for any remark they made, and when they tried to escape it was the youngest child’s duty to kill them. The Krumarians would never steal Elders from the Elf Haven, we would rather execute them or use them as slaves, the lies the Elves have made are used to scar the great name of Kruma and to hinder the Elven Demise.

Chapter 9- Brian and Breanainn

After the invasion of Kruma and the deportation of the people. Two brothers who formally lived decent lives in Kruma claimed they had a vision from Cian, saying that this place was killing the people of Kruma and Cian explained how to convert the Donocians to join the true faith. After Brian and Breanainn converted the guards of the holding town for the Krumarians Bricius was able to take the people and charge them out of the town (with the help of Belenos.) When the people of Kruma returned to the great town from where they hailed they created a church in the center of town name “The Prophet Brian’s Church.”

Chapter 10- Leon Sonnac The Defender and the Knights of Belenos

(Passage added into the Holy Scriptures of Myrdenen by Michael the Pilgrim, passages made by Michael are from 51-63PB.)

It is said that 5 days after the Leon's coronation as King of Kruma, he received a vision from Belenos himself. He claimed that Belenos showed him several locations and said "In these Tombs, Caves, and forgotten battlegrounds, you will find Several items touched by Myrdenen's hand. Only you will know that these items are holy and none other can tell. Go now Child and return them to the Prophet Brian's Church." The king left for 3 years with his royal guard to find these items. Rumors say that there was a book, a sword, a helmet, and another item that is unknown. When he returned with all the items he rushed to the Church and ordered that all others leave. The windows of the church grew red and bright, no one dare enter. After 2 hours they went dark, Leon walked out with nothing, and did not speak a word of what happened in the church. And though the relics had gone, Leon made a group of knights, sworn not to tell of the location of the relics, and sworn to protect them with all the strength they had. Leon died in a battle fighting elves for the High King, yet they never actually retrieved his body.

(more may be added as time goes on. Chapter 11-12 Adventures of Leon and his guards)
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