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 xiwatson156 app 2

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Posts : 54
Join date : 2011-08-09

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PostSubject: xiwatson156 app 2   xiwatson156 app 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 4:59 am

IGN Name: xiwatson156

Age: 15

Location: uk, cumbria

Previous Servers: moddedgame official server

What is role play/ have you ever done it?: role play is where you take on the role of another character/ yes i have done it before

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? i have steam but dont really use it

Character Profile

Character Name: Dastang Kindread

Characters age:40

Race: Dwarf

Background:Dastang grew up in Baktriania with his parents Martha Kindread and Gregoir Kindread, they were master smiths and could forge anything they wanted they made equitment for the hole of Baktrainia especially when the war was on. When the war had ended, so did buisness since there was no need of weapons and armour no one bought them from there shop so they decided to sell up and go on the next boat away from baktrainia taking Dastang at the age of 12 and his older borther Bourus with them to a place they had never seen before called Zatharancia, which at the time there was a war on which was getting worse by the day between the Quientins and the Qunaris these were two very large tribes but the Dastang and his family lived in the Quientins part of the Land. During a raid of there village Dastangs family home was attacked and burned down his parents risked there lives to save there children but sadly died in the blaze. This left Dastang and he brother Bourus an orphan when they finaly found a home they were aloud to leave the start up on their own, so they did and they started by Bourus Teaching Dastang the arts of war and trained him to fight using a sword and bow. Dastang then entered into the arena to fight for fame and fortune but mainly to gain money for him and his brother to live and pay for food and water. Dastang won his battles after and after and eventually became champion of the arena. He had met the king of Zatharancia on many different occations but the king saw Dastang as an invesment and made bets on him every year and Dastang never dissapointed in his battles until 6 years later...

One day Dastang had a knock on his door, it was the guards of the city his brother had been found guilty of murder on three accounts and they told him that he was getting executed the very same day,but he also found out that the king had authorised this and the moment his brother was hanged by the guards he would never live the same again. On the seventh year of the arena semi final he and his companion were fighting six men, but his companion new he couldnt win Dastang in the final so he turned his bow to Dastang and pierced Dastangs eye with a razor sharp arrow. Dastang cried out but was still under the attack by six men so he frusted his swords through thrm and became victorius and swore he would kill his companion that he thought with in the arena. However when they pulled the arrow out the saw his wound was very serious and wouldnt let him compte in the arena anymore which made him devastated that he couldnt kill his Companion Zeveran as he swore revenge but that wasnt his only problem, the emepror had 500,000 Zanthies on this one matach which he couldnt participait in so the emperor got a local wizard and cursed him by seiling his face in an iron mask which was impossible to get off. With his shame he fled the area and stowed on a boat to Baktrainia to regain the fame his family once had and will use his battle tactics and his iron fist to serve his master of which he chooses and shall protect his family and friends from the scum of the earth. Even though Dastang has had alot of bad history he still wants to rise up in the world and face any challanges he has to face in his way to fame to do his family proud.

Dastang is new at the moment and has met many royal and respected people he has a job as a guard to protect the citizens of baktrainia from villians and to serve Brennus Krummar until he wished me to leave my post and seek something else or until I am more important in the world. He also has met Martin but hasnt really gotten to know but he serves the emperor as his personel mage and does his bidding. He has also met Grandmaster Zerel and highly respects his wisdom and has a good relationship with him.

Whats your characters personality? A grumpy oldish man with lots of knowledge,

Religion: (state your religion as given in the History Section of the Forum) athiest and always will be

What do you want your character to achieve? To be a count eventually

How will your character contribute to the World of Baktrainia? He will protect and serve his masters and friends

Why did you choose the race you've chosen? As they are brave on the battlefield and great tacticians

Last edited by xiwatson156 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:10 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-07-07

xiwatson156 app 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: xiwatson156 app 2   xiwatson156 app 2 EmptySat Aug 27, 2011 5:23 am

your name is not working sorry

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