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3 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-08-15

BlockWhisperer Empty
PostSubject: BlockWhisperer   BlockWhisperer EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 10:57 am

IGN Name: BlockWhisperer

Age: 20

Location: Canada

Previous Servers: My Own Private Server

What is role play/ have you ever done it?: Yes. I've done RP Text-based through World of Warcraft for three years, and recently quit WoW.

Do you have skype, steam, xfire etc.? Skype, and Steam.

where did you learn of the server?: A list of servers on a website I saw.

Character Profile

Character Name: Whisper

Characters age: 23

Race: Human (Baktrian)

Character Background: Whisper was left at the doorstep of a renowned assassins' guild when he was just a babe. He was taken by the Order and raised and trained to be of their ways, trained in the ancient and precise arts of subterfuge, subtlety, and assassination. He left the guild when he came of age, traveling the world to find his fortune.

Whats your characters personality? Cunning, quick, and cold, Whisper scarcely makes friends, but on the plus side, scarcely makes enemies.

Religion: Whisper was raised to believe that there was only one god: Death, and it was more a philosophy than an actual religion.

What do you want your character to achieve? Nothing in particular. I just enjoy building and RP, with no goal beyond that in mind.

How will your character contribute to the World of Baktrainia? He will provide and antagonist or protagonist in stories as needed, and will be making an underground lair.

Why did you choose the race you've chosen? It's standard. I like that.

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Posts : 55
Join date : 2011-07-07

BlockWhisperer Empty
PostSubject: Re: BlockWhisperer   BlockWhisperer EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 11:01 am

I like the app. Simple but good. And A fellow canadian is always fun to see.

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Fowler of Foxley
Fowler of Foxley

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-04-21

BlockWhisperer Empty
PostSubject: Re: BlockWhisperer   BlockWhisperer EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 12:05 pm

only 1 problem, there are 3 humans, Krumarians, Baktrians, and Eldars.
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BlockWhisperer Empty
PostSubject: Re: BlockWhisperer   BlockWhisperer Empty

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